Green packaging generally refers to packaging that is harmless to the ecological environment and human health, can be reused or recycled, and conforms to the principle of sustainable development. It can also be called ecological packaging or sustainable packaging. Green technology is the product of the wave of green consumption. It is also an effective way for sustainable development.
It includes end-of-pipe technology, green process innovation, and green product innovation. The highest level in the green technology innovation system is green products, which means that green products are the ultimate carrier of green technology innovation results. The acquisition of green products must be based on green design and green manufacturing.
Green design and green manufacturing are the core content of green technology. The improvement of green packaging technology is further deepening of green products. Green packaging is one of the powerful means of international marketing. The five major elements of modern merchandise sales are product (prODuCE), price (priCE), channel (plACE), promotion (prOmOtiON) and packaging (pACkAgiNg).
In the world environment that attaches great importance to environmental protection, the role of green packaging in sales is increasingly important, and it is increasingly favored by consumers in all countries. The important content of the 21st century green revolution "green packaging revolution" is an important weight for the new round of market competition. It is certain that green packaging products with a strong environmental protection have strong vitality and competitiveness in the international market.
Internationally recognized principles and methods for the relationship between packaging and the environment are:
1.REDuCE principle, that is, the principle of reducing waste of resources;
2. REuSE principle, that is, the principle of recycling;
3. RECyClE principle, that is, the principle of recycling;
4. The principle of RECOVEr is to obtain the principle of new value.
For example, heat is obtained through incineration. When designing a package, if it is technically feasible, it is first necessary to consider the possibility of reusing the package. If it can no longer be used, the possibility of recycling needs to be considered. The packaging should be made of environmentally friendly materials and should not hinder re-use and recycling. To meet the product protection and aesthetic design, to minimize the packaging volume and weight.
(1) Research and development of non-toxic, non-polluting, recyclable, renewable or degradable packaging materials;
(2) to study the control technology and alternative technology of harmful ingredients in existing packaging materials, and alternative technologies for natural materials;
(3) Optimize the packaging structure, reduce the consumption of packaging materials, and strive to reduce packaging;
(4) To enhance the recycling of packaging waste should achieve the best results.
The oldest knife-making process, which is made by hand, is to exchange sweat for quality. The knife worker hammers and forges the red-burning steel blocks, and then folds them up and hammers them after hammering them open, so that they are repeated dozens of times. The forged knife is characterized by a knife support and a knife root. The knife support is the middle part connecting the knife edge and the knife handle, and the knife root is the part of the knife handle blocking the knife blade. Integral blade is the most ideal tool in forging, which means a real seamless tool holding mode.
Utility knife, Utility kitchen knife 5 inch, 6-inch utility knife
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