Yili Construction's Normal Temperature Yogurt Project Officially Launched Packaging Demand Increased

According to the Shanxi Daily News, the second-phase second-phase room temperature yoghurt production line project built by Jinzhong Yili Dairy Co., Ltd. was formally put into production. The project is located in Ji County, Jinzhong, Shanxi Province, with a total investment of 210 million yuan and daily production of 206 tons of yogurt at room temperature. The surrounding flexible packaging companies can pay more attention and win the large customer of Yili.

On January 21st, the reporter learned from Lixian County that the second phase room temperature Yogurt production line project invested and built by Jinzhong Yili Dairy Co., Ltd. was formally put into production. The project has a total investment of 210 million yuan. It was started construction in June 2015. A total of eight Tetra Pak drilling yoghurt production lines were installed, and 206 tons of normal-temperature yogurt was produced on a daily basis. After the project is put into production, it can realize sales revenue of 960 million yuan, profit of 33 million yuan, and tax revenue of 8 million yuan.

It is understood that as of now, the first phase of the Jinzhong Yili Dairy Co., Ltd. has been completed, with an accumulated investment of 522 million yuan, a total planned land area of ​​286 mu, 16 production lines, a daily production capacity of 686 tons, and more than 800 jobs. It is estimated that it can realize annual sales income of 1.3 billion yuan, profit of 50 million yuan, and profit and tax of 25 million yuan. It has now become another benchmark project in the agricultural and sideline products processing industry in the Qixian County Economic Development Zone.

Currently, Erie Group has more than 100 production bases in the country. Since 2006, the “Weaving Net Project” has been launched. Since then, Yili Group has constructed Heilongjiang in the north, Fujian, Guangdong in the south, Shanghai in the east, and Xinjiang in the west, “Longitudinal. The layout of a modern dairy base that runs north and south and radiates things.

Yili Liquid Milk Production Base

1. Yili New Industrial Park Production Base: It was built in July 2005 and located in the Jinchuan Development Zone in Hohhot. The total investment is 350 million yuan, and 1,500 tons of liquid milk is processed daily. The main products are pure milk, milk beverage, and functional milk.

2. Yili Ningxia Wuzhong Production Base: The project was built in July 2009 with a total investment of 489 million yuan. After the project is put into production, it can produce 190,000 tons of ultra-high temperature sterilized milk annually. The main products are pure milk, milk beverages, and color milk products. It is the largest dairy project base in the northwest.

3. Yili Hebei Zhangbei Production Base: It was built in September 2010 with a total investment of 500 million yuan. It processes 1,200 tons of liquid milk daily and has an annual output value of 1.8 billion yuan. It is the largest dairy production base in Hebei Province.

4. Yili Zhejiang Quzhou Production Base: The project was built in November 2013 with a total investment of 500 million yuan. It plans to produce an annual output of 300,000 tons of Yili milk. The products will cover the entire territory of Zhejiang, and will be emitted from Jiangxi, Anhui, and Fujian.

5. Yili Oceania Production Base: It was built in November 2014. It is located in South New Zealand Island with a total investment of 3 billion yuan. The base is designed with an annual production capacity of 47,000 tons and will be the world's largest dairy base.

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