To deal with the rule of super-rule, this kind of paper material is something you must not ignore!

After the implementation of the National 921 Super-New Regulations in 2016, strict inspections of over-limit transportation will prevent companies from controlling costs through over-limit overloading and increase transportation costs. The impact of the “most strict” rule on logistics costs in the manufacturing industry has already appeared in the manufacturing industry. The increase in logistics costs will eventually translate into the sales cost of manufacturers or sellers, which will make many manufacturing industries worse. This article discusses the direction and the idea of ​​home appliance product packaging reduction design through the rule of super new regulations, and provides reference and enlightenment for the packaging design of home appliance enterprises.

In recent years, there has been domestic automobile transportation overloading overrun phenomenon, while the illegal conversion of transport vehicles will also homemade meals, frequent road accidents. In order to improve the safety of transportation, the relevant national authorities issued the “Opinions on Further Improving the Illegal Modification of Freight Cars and Control of Over-limit Overload” on August 18, and began implementing it on September 21. We will simply call it “921 Super. The new regulations, this document has also been referred to by the industry as the strictest limit in history.

The implementation of new regulations, logistics transportation is closely related with the industry, it is like an "earthquake", affecting the whole industry chain. At the same time, it is also a strong earthquake for the increasingly competitive manufacturing industry. After the implementation of the 921 ultra-super-rules regulations, the company will not be able to control costs by exceeding the overload limit, and transportation costs will increase. The impact of the “most strict” rule on logistics costs in the manufacturing industry has already appeared in the manufacturing industry. The increase in logistics costs will eventually translate into the sales cost of manufacturers or sellers, which will make many manufacturing industries worse.

1 talk about several directions appliances reduction of packaging design

In the area of ​​overloading and exceeding-limit road law enforcement standards, the super-supervisory rule has unified the vehicle load-bearing standards and eliminated the over- limit overload determination with a gross cargo weight exceeding 55 tons, an average axle load exceeding 10 tons, and a cargo exceeding the vehicle's factory-carried quality. In the standard, the vehicle height continues to use the standard of 4 meters in vehicle height, the vehicle length is adjusted to 18.1 meters, and the vehicle width is adjusted to 2.55 meters. In addition, according to the specifications of different trucks, the identification of the vehicle's over-limit transportation is clarified according to the total cargo quality. It is understood that the actual length of the previous 18-meter long trailer is 20 meters, the actual width of 3 meters is 3.4 meters, and the cargo height can be installed to 4.9 meters.

After the implementation of regulations over the regulations, some home appliance companies are affected by the following:

1) The total amount of vehicle shipments decreased by approximately 39%;

2) The cost of transportation per vehicle increased by approximately 39%;

3) The efficiency of cargo handling is reduced by 3%;

4) Increase in demand for transportation vehicles (the volume of goods that originally required three vehicles now requires five vehicles) The demand increased by approximately 60%.

As a result, the same car, in order to fit more goods have to reduce the volume of packaging products, you have to be the original product packaging reduction design. In the “4R1D” principle of green packaging (Reduce: Reducing, Reuse, Recover: Recyclable, Degradable: Degradable), the first proposed measure is to implement packaging reduction. Quantification, that is, packaging meets functional requirements such as protection of goods, convenient transportation, and easy storage, reduces packaging usage, saves materials, and lowers packaging costs, thereby achieving a reduction in design. In combination with current packaging technology, packaging materials, and regulations, if you want to pack more goods in a unit volume and not overweight, you have to make the product packaging “light and thin”. Following the author and everyone together to explore several home appliance packaging reduction direction.

2 Reduce the use of thin honeycomb paperboard

Honeycomb paperboard is one of the main packaging materials for home appliance packaging. Not only can it be used as an internal cushioning liner, but also it is increasingly used as an outer packaging box to deal with violent logistics. With the development of cellular technology, the thickness of honeycomb paperboard can be made thinner and thinner.

Do 10mm of Honeycomb is a technological breakthrough, can definitely be called from 10mm to 6mm is a leap in cellular technology. Qidong Meixun Machinery Co., Ltd., a leader in China's cellular machinery, has successfully developed a thin honeycomb paperboard with a thickness of 6mm, which will greatly enhance the development and application of the paper honeycomb industry.

1) Honeycomb cardboard is thin enough to act as a "stealth pad" for compression and anti-clamping. This type of thin-walled honeycomb paperboard can easily meet the needs of packaging and not increase the packaging volume.

2) Honeycomb cardboard can be made into a carton with enough thinness. 6mm is a fantastic thickness of a honeycomb panel that can be used as a carton. Firstly , the thickness of the outer box of the original thick honeycomb paperboard can be reduced to directly reduce the product packaging volume and increase the loading (cabinet) volume. It also saves costs; secondly, it is especially targeted at 5-layer and 7-layer corrugated cartons, 6mm thin honeycombs. Cardboard boxes made of cardboard have better alternatives. Studies have shown that (in the case of side 6 thin honeycomb paperboard), the flat compressive strength of the thin honeycomb paperboard is 26% of 5 layer corrugated cardboard, 250% of that of 7-layer corrugated cardboard, and the burst strength of thin honeycomb paperboard is 5 layers of corrugated cardboard. %, which is 60% of 7-layer corrugated cardboard; the full-mesh compressive strength of the thin honeycomb paperboard is 100% of 5-layer corrugated cardboard and 76% of 7-layer corrugated cardboard.

In addition, the paper volume of the thin honeycomb paperboard relative to corrugated board is reduced.

It can be seen that the advantages of 6mm thin honeycomb paperboard are as follows:

1) The amount of paper used is less than direct packaging reduction. Also sizes of cartons, for a 6mm thin honeycomb made using corrugated cardboard sheet than an amount of more than 25% reduction;

2) The thin wall of honeycomb paperboard obviously reduces the amount of paper used and at the same time reduces the volume of product packaging. For home appliance companies, it is a direct recipient. For some products that are still using thicker honeycomb paperboard, such as cabinet-type air-conditioning indoor units, air-conditioning terminals, and communication units, etc., thin-walled and more quantifiable designs can be made for packaging. Some use of thick honeycomb paperboard as the packaging plate can be simpler, and the direct use of thin honeycomb paperboard is immediate;

3) High compressive strength and greatly improved gripping performance. Due to the structure of honeycomb cardboard, the boxes can greatly enhance the clamp hold performance. In the refrigerator industry, Meiling, Hisense, Haier, Midea and other manufacturers have conducted comparative tests on thin honeycomb carton boxes. The use of thin cardboard boxes has overcome the problem of using corrugated boxes. Further targeted improvement of the original inner packaging structure of the product can further reduce packaging costs.

At present, the domestic "Meiling" refrigerator has taken the lead in replacing the original 5-layer corrugated carton with a honeycomb carton to realize the cellular reform of the Meiling refrigerator freezer packaging from the inside out. This change has enhanced the protection of Meiling products while also allowing Meiling to reduce its product packaging costs by 10%. Hisense refrigerators have been advancing strongly in thin honeycomb carton boxes and have been verified by trial flow to meet usage requirements. Currently, Hisense The refrigerator has started to issue orders for formal thin-bucket carton purchase orders; the “beauty” refrigerator thin-carton cartons have been in the final trial phase; “Haier” refrigerators' thin-cell cartons have been fully adopted at the Hefei base, and now headquarters Further confirmation.

4) Good moisture resistance. Corrugated cardboard corrugated is straight, moisture can easily fill the cavity caused by moisture. Honeycomb paperboard is composed of a number of independently sealed honeycomb cavities, it is difficult for moisture to enter, and its moisture resistance is superior.

"Super cure" is not a crisis, but it should be a turning point. The strict implementation of the new regulations reflects the confidence and determination of the government to start rectifying transportation and regulating logistics. The "new regulations" not only force the logistics companies to make changes in terms of labor costs, vehicle weight, transportation efficiency, management upgrades, and logistics technologies, but also force all home appliance manufacturers to really apply packaging technology, packaging technology, packaging technology, etc. In terms of breakthroughs, we will promote competitiveness by increasing packaging strength and reducing packaging.

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