The knowledge of dense bean, the effect and effect of dense bean

The dense flower bean is also called S. sinensis, five-layer wind, nine-layer wind, red deer flower, and small bean flower, which are mainly distributed in Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian provinces. The stem of the dense bean can be used as medicine, and it is one of the main sources of the traditional Chinese medicine. With blood, blood circulation, Tongluo and other effects. For irregular menstruation, blood deficiency, yellow, numbness and other diseases have a good conditioning effect.


Morphological characteristics of dense bean

Climbing vines, shrub when young. Leaflet paper or sub-leather, heterogeneous, apically symmetrical on both sides, broadly elliptic, broadly obovate to suborbicular, 9-19 cm long, 5-14 cm wide, apex shortened to short caudate, apically obtuse The base is broadly wedge-shaped, laterally asymmetrical, laterally sessile or slightly narrow, base broadly cuneate or rounded, sessately glabrous or slightly pubescent on both sides, often pubescent between veins 6-8 pairs, slightly curved; petiole stalk 5-8 mm long, hairy or glabrous; small stipules drilled, 3-6 mm long. Panicles axillary or abaxially pubescent, ca. 50 cm, inflorescence rachis, stalks pubescently pubescent pubescent, sessate sate sate sate sate sate sate sate sessate Short 2-3 times, the lower 3 teeth are round or slightly blunt, less than 1 mm long, the upper 2 teeth are slightly longer, how many connate, the outer densely yellowish brown pubescent, the inside is silvery gray, longer; the petals are white, Flags oblate, 4-4.5 mm long, 5-5.5 mm wide, apex dimpled, broadly cuneate base, 2-2.5 mm long; pterygoid oblong, 3.5-4 mm long, base 1 Side with short pointed earlobe, petal stalk 3-3.5 mm; keel lobes obovate, ca. 3 mm, apically abaxially on one side, 3-3.5 mm long; stamens inserted, anthers globose, one or several Nearly uniform; the ovary is nearly sessile, and the underside is rough. The pod is nearly scorpion-shaped, 8-11 cm long, densely covered with brown short hairs, base with a 4-9 mm long neck; seeds oblong, 2 cm long, 1 cm wide, seed coat purple-brown, thin It is crisp and bright.

The effect and role of dense bean

Cane (Spatholobus sinensis): bitter, sweet, warm. Blood, blood circulation, Tongluo. For irregular menstruation, blood deficiency, yellow, numbness, rheumatism and pain.

Stem medicine, is one of the main sources of Chinese medicine spatholobus suberectus, has the effect of phlegm and blood circulation, Shujin active. Indications of waist and knee pain, numbness, irregular menstruation and other symptoms.

[peony] dense flower beans, three-leaf chicken blood vine: stem treatment of women with irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, anemia, low back and leg pain, limbs numbness "Chinese medicine." Dense bean, spatholobus, purple stem vine, adzuki bean: cane, radical anemia, irregular menstruation, rheumatism and bone pain "滇省志".

[侗药] Handing over: root bark to treat anemia; old stem treatment postpartum weakness and all weakness, rheumatoid arthralgia, irregular menstruation, anemia, bruises, dysentery, leukemia "gui medicinal". Called Ya (Yol Yak): The cane cures vomiting blood, cold dysentery.

[仫佬药]Miaoji eight: The function is the same as the Yi people.

[Miao medicine] Meng Suo Ba: The function is the same as the Yi people.

[Yao Yao] nine blood vines, sisters, three-leaf chicken blood vine, duck felt beauty: the function of the same family "gui medicinal".

Usage and dosage of dense bean

Oral: Jiantang, 9-15g.

Edible taboo of dense flower beans

Take the right amount of medicine.

Is the dense bean toxic?


The use of densely-flowered beans is very extensive, but because Chinese herbal medicines need to be strictly determined according to the severity of the disease and the amount of the prescription, it is safe and reliable for everyone to use the medicine according to the guidance of a professional doctor. Do not use the medicine at will, otherwise it will easily cause a more serious negative impact on the body.

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