
Proofreading is an important part of the printing production process. To eliminate errors in production to ensure the quality of prints. It is generally understood that proofs are compared with manuscripts to detect and correct errors in the production process, and the variety of prints is large. Therefore, the task of proofreading should be based on the verbatim manuscripts of text, photographs, drawings, drafts, etc. Investigate whether or not the job is performed in accordance with the requirements of the contents, layout, style, and tone reproduction in the production process, and correct the wrong job.

Proofreading proofs include the following: comparisons with originals to correct errors in the text; confirmation and correction of the conditions for the final use of the original print; photographs, originals, plates, etc. against the manuscript, layout design, confirmation and correction according to the layout and color tone processing.

One, text correction

1. The type of proofreading method

The method of proofreading is divided into two types as the process progresses.

(1) proofread original

In order to make the plate, the contents of the original must be proofread, and the quality and proof of the manuscript (including positive film negatives, negative film negatives, typesetting, photocopying, lead printing, etc.) must be corrected. The deputy printing unit is responsible for the signing of "printing," which means that the printing factory can print clear samples, etc., and confirms the comparison. After confirming that there is no mistake, the system can be printed on the plate. This is the final inspection in the plate making process and is quality assurance. Important task.

(2) proofreading proofs

The open sample is a sample printed when it is ready for formal production after the plate is finished and the specification, ink and pressure are corrected. Contrast it with the proof, confirming that there are no errors before you can begin mass printing. This is the inspection of the plate at the beginning of printing.

2. Proofreading project

For the above two kinds of proofreading, the inspection items are:

1 Preparation of necessary materials, including payment of seals, mission books, work notices, signatures, manuscripts, etc.

2 The contents of book printing include binding style, processing size, plate making size, processing line (such as cutting paper), page number (font and position).

3-nuclear red refers to the fact that there are still a few errors in a batch of proofs, and after the corrections, it is necessary to make another kind of sample with the red sample to be sampled and supplemented, or to rectify the changed paper type and endorsement. . The red text includes the contents, characters, fonts, size, and location of the red characters.

4 photos, illustrations, plates, including location, direction, color separation, the provisions of the printing color.

5 The contents necessary for printing and binding, including signatures, signatures, color marks, scan marks, ladder marks, reticle, etc.

6 The proofreading of the cover, including the title of the book, the author's signature, the name of the publisher, the number of the book, the name of the printing unit, the pricing, the date of publication, etc.; if it is a periodical, it includes the name of the periodical, number of the periodical, registration number of the periodical, magazine code, and so on.

7 Proofreading of advertisements, including company names, trade names, trademarks, prices, etc.

Second, color correction

Color correction has two functions. One is the internal production management in the plate making and printing process. The other is the proofreading of the printed sample to the Commissioner.

The color proofing method is shown in Figure 4-56. There are many proofing methods, which can be selected according to the purpose and requirements. As a printed sample, the quality should be similar to that obtained by the printing method, and generally the printing method is used for proofing. For the proofing of internal production management, one of the photographing method and the CRT method can be used.

Figure 4-56 Types of Color Proofing Methods
1. Proofing with printing methods

(1) Features of ink, paper, and printing plate for proofing

There are many differences between proofing and printing, whether it is the use of inks, paper, plate materials, etc., or the printing plate, printing density, printing pressure and other conditions are closely related to the reproducibility of the printing, due to printing and proofing imprinting The methods, printing pressure, printing speed, inking method, overprinting method, ink viscosity, ink emulsification, printing of sand, and dot reproduction are all different. Therefore, the printed matter and the proof must also be different, and the reproducibility is different. As shown in Figure 4-57, the contrast from the high-tone portion to the intermediate tone portion is insufficient and the dark tone portion is excessive compared to the proof. Therefore, the contrast is greater than the print contrast. To this end, we must consider reducing and printing the proofing ink, paper, plate material, printing density, and printing pressure.

Figure 4-57 Hue reproduction for proofing and printing


Ink Due to different ink conditions during printing, the ink transfer rate varies greatly. The same ink is used for printing and proofing.

The same reproducibility is not listed, as shown in Figure 4-58.

In addition, proofing using more monochrome proofing machine is wet and dry stamping, printing using multi-color machine, wet wet overprint, there will be many problems.

The actual values ​​of various proofing, printing methods and overprinting indices are different. As shown in Table 4-3, overprinting not only differs in the performance of the ink, but also affects the surface condition and gloss. If a multi-color proofer is used for proofing, it can be large. The narrowing of the gap with the printing press.

Paper Paper is one of the important factors that affect the quality of print reproduction, gloss, and other qualities. The close relationship between the type of paper and the quality of the print is easy to understand. The gloss of prints is greatly influenced by the surface condition of the paper. Compared with non-coated paper, coated paper can achieve better gloss.

Figure 4-57 Factors Affecting Ink Transfer

Degrees, as proofs of product samples, proofing should be carried out using the same paper as the printing.

Plates: Plates for general proofing, fine grained, narrowed down from high profile to midtones. The plate used for printing has a coarser grain of sand and can be fine-tuned by visual inspection so that the dots of the high-profile portion to the intermediate tone portion can be slightly finer. Now, aluminum-based PS plates are used for proofing.

(2) Type of proofer

Hand-inking manual proofer The hand-ink proofing proofer is that the fountain solution on the plate is completely dry, and the ink is transferred to the blanket cylinder. The dots from the high-profile part to the middle part have a tendency to be smaller than the dots at the time of printing.

Ink on hand is not stable, it is difficult to get a uniform version.

The ink of the dynamic proofer is inked after being inked by the ink roller. Under the influence of the fountain solution, the ink is printed under a slight emulsification state. Therefore, its reproduction curve is closer to the reproduction curve of the printing than the manual proofing, but There are still different printing pressures, speeds, and inks. Most of them are still dry-type overprints, which are different from the printing and reproduction of printing presses.

Figure 4-59 is a two-color printer that can achieve a part of the wet-press.
Figure 4-59 Two-color proofer structure
Multi-color automatic proofing machine Multi-color automatic proofing machine is an ideal method to solve the difference between printing and proofing. It can be similar to printing under the same conditions. Its reproduction curve can be close to the printing machine, but in terms of efficiency and cost, Proofers are not easy to popularize. Figure 4-60 shows the structure of a four-color proofer.
Figure 4-60 Structure of a four-color proofer
2. Use photosensitive material proofing

There are many kinds of proofing methods used for internal production process management, many of which have become commodity production.

(1) Color film is legal

On a transparent substrate, a photosensitive sheet made of a diazo sensitizer is coated, and each is separated from a corresponding color separation sheet

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