Plastic flexible packaging practical technology question and answer

Can solvent-free composites and PE sandwich composites be used for boiling?
The solvent-free composite and PE sandwich composite products can be boiled.
1. Solvent-free composite adhesives (1) Adhesives: Urethanes are used, with single-liquid type and double-liquid type.
1 Single liquid type: Cured by reaction of water molecules.
RNH2+R-NCO→RNCNR (urea bond)
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2 Double liquid type: Isocyanate reacts with OH in resin to cure.
R-NCO+'-OH→RNCOR (urethane bond)
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Recently, two-liquid type has become mainstream.
(2) Adhesives: Adhesive manufacturers produce both single-liquid type and double-liquid type. It is necessary to select an appropriate adhesive according to the actual use situation. Considering this aspect of high-temperature resistance, a variety suitable for cooking is developed.
(3) Coating amount: The frozen food package is 0.8 to 1.0 g/m2, the snack package is 1.2 to 1.4 g/m2, and the boiled package is 1.4 to 1.6 g/m2.
2. Adhesiveness and high temperature resistance of solvent-free composite products The following table shows the evaluation results of solvent-free composite products, showing that the adhesive properties are adequate.

Test Item Adhesive Strength (gf/15mm) Heat Seal Strength (gf/15mm) Test Area Optical Film White Ink Overprinted Part Film White Film Overprinted Part Blank (No Boiling) 350360(0)400(0)4.04 .43.0 boiled water 460450 (10) 450 (50) acetic acid 450500 (10) 460 (40) salad oil 460360 (40) 370 (40)

(Note) 1 Sample Composition: ONY (15) Printing/Adhesive/LLDPE (60)
2 Adhesive: AD-N289 (Toyo Morton)
3 Sealing conditions: The ratio (%) of the ink transferred to the adhesive layer is indicated by 170°C × 2 kg/cm 2 × 1 second within 4 ().
3. Adhesiveness and high temperature resistance of PE laminated composite products (1) In the case where PE laminated composite products are used for boiling treatment, AC agents must use isocyanates with high temperature and water resistance, AC agents. The coating amount is preferably 0.2 g/m2 or more (solid content).

AC Agent Characteristics Organic Titanium Isocyanate Polyvinylamine Polybutadiene Initial Bonding Strength △ × ○ ○ Bonding Strength ○ ◎ ○ ○ Water Resistance × ◎ × △ High Temperature Resistance ○ ◎ × × Oil Resistance △ ◎ ○ △ Alkaline resistance △ ○ × △ Acid resistance △ ○ × △ Resistance to boiling × ◎ × × Use Drugs Liquid soup instant noodles, snacks snacks, frozen foods such as tea packaging frozen food such as dried seaweed and other fast foods

(2) Adhesion, heat-sealing strength and boiling adaptability of PE sandwich composite products

Film Adhesiveness (gf/15mm) Heat-sealing strength Boiling Adaptability 23°C 90°C 90°C Humidity (kgf/15mm) [95°C×30min] (kgf/15mm) OPP50*1120*40*12.0FC-PET600FC140 *670FC4.8FC cannot be peeled ONY620#150*550#5.0FC cannot be peeled OPP-K700FC150*400FC4.5FC cannot peel PET-K250FC

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