Macroscopic identification of imported wood in Southeast Asia

100 sessile new ebony (Neonaulea sessifolia); Lenggaung (Myan); Neonaulea (English); Rubiaceae evergreen trees. It produces gardens in Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Bangladesh. There is also a distribution in the southern part of China.

Wood is a loose hole material. The difference between heart and sapwood is not obvious to slightly obvious; heartwood is yellowish brown with red, and often mixed with dark reddish-brown stripe; sapwood is light yellowish brown with red, and often mixed with pink stripe. The growth wheel is slightly obvious, the width is slightly uniform (3-6mm), and the rounds are interspersed with dark night strips. Tube hole is less to slightly less; slightly smaller to medium; slightly visible under the naked eye, clear under the magnifying glass; separate and short diameter column summer tube holes (2-3); slightly uniform size, uneven distribution, from the growth wheel outward Gradually reduce or decrease; oblique or radial row; the invader is not seen, and the tube hole of the heartwood contains yellow sediment. The tube hole groove on the longitudinal section is thin and obvious. The axial thin-walled tissue is only slightly seen on the wet cut surface under the mirror, and is short and thin. Wood ray is non-stacked, dense to very dense; very fine to very fine; only slightly under the magnifying glass; the surface of the cut surface has very fine ray markings, not obvious. Wave marks and intercellular channels are absent.

The wood has luster; the raw material has a spicy odor, disappears after drying; tastes bitter; the texture is straight or oblique, the surface of the surface is interlaced with texture; the structure is very fine and uniform; the material is hard (the air dry density is 0.72-0.82g/cm3). It has strong insect and corrosion resistance and is suitable for construction (Room, pillar, sandalwood, joist, door, window, interior decoration and floor, etc.), art craft, carving, furniture, agricultural tools, instrument box, industrial and agricultural tools. Handle, wooden comb, toys and stationery.

101 Viandia cochinchinensis; Cochinchina Randia (English). Evergreen trees in the genus Rubiaceae. Produced in the Central South Peninsula, Malaysia, India and Australia. China's Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Brown and Yunnan hot areas are also distributed.

Wood is a loose hole material. There is no difference in heartwood and sapwood, the color of the material is grayish yellow, brown to yellowish brown. The growth wheel is not obvious to a slight extent, the width is slightly uniform (3-5mm), and the wheel is interspersed with a slightly darker material. Tube holes are not visible under the naked eye, clear under the magnifying glass; separate and short diameter columns (2-3); slightly less to slightly more; layers are small to slightly smaller; the size is slightly uniform, the distribution is not uniform, from the growth wheel Gradually reduce and decrease; scattered. The tube hole is fine on the longitudinal section; the intrusion and other deposits are not seen. The axial thin-walled tissue is not visible under the naked eye, and the amount is slightly clear under the magnifying glass. Star dispersion - polymerization to intermittent strips, scattered stars and ring-shaped tubes. The wood ray is non-stacked, and it is slightly seen under the naked eye. It is clear under the magnifying glass; it is very fine to the county; it is slightly dense to dense; the ray pattern on the radial section is extremely fine, and it is invisible under the naked eye. Wave marks and intercellular channels are absent.

The wood is slightly lustrous; there is no special smell and taste; the texture is staggered; the structure is very fine and uniform; the material is hard (air dry density 0.76-0.86g/cm3). Wood is an excellent turning material, suitable for work and farming handles, canes, toys, rolling pins, handles, scales, carvings, furniture, boxes, wooden combs, frames, etc.

102 Ganophyllum obliquum; Arangen (Philippines, Ma); Marasoelo (India); Sccalysh (PNG) Mangir, Ananame, Konawe (Indo). Is a subspecies (Sapindaceae) plant, evergreen large trees. Distributed by the Andaman Islands, Southeast Asia, North Queensland, Papua New Guinea to the New Britain to the Solomon Islands.

Wood is a loose hole material. The difference between the heart and the sapwood is not obvious; the heartwood is yellowish brown to light brown; the sapwood is yellowish white to pale yellow. The growth wheel is not obvious to a slight extent, the width is slightly uniform (3-5mm), and the wheel is intertwined with the late material belt with the color of the road. The tube hole is visible under the naked eye, and the magnifying glass is clear; the main is separate, a few short-diameter columns (2 - 3); the number is less to slightly less; the size is medium; the oblique or scattered; the infill is not seen, The heartwood is partially filled with white deposits. The tube groove on the longitudinal section is thin and sparse. The axial thin-walled tissue is visible under the magnifying glass, and the loop tube is bundled, wing-shaped, poly-winged and star-shaped. The wood ray is visible only under the magnifying glass, and the partial arrangement is neat or stacked; slightly dense to dense; very fine to slightly fine; the radial cut surface has the right ray markings, not obvious. Wave marks and intercellular channels were not seen.

The wood has a strong luster; the raw material has a slightly spicy odor, disappears after drying; no special taste; the texture is straight, the surface is slightly staggered; the structure is fine and uniform; the material is hard (air dry density 0.76-0.81g/cm3). Because the material color is light and beautiful, it is excellent for lathe, arts and crafts, carving, cane, pipe, instrument box and other materials; can also be used in construction, flooring, furniture, shipbuilding, vehicles, agricultural machinery, sports equipment, poles, pillars , stakes, etc.

103 Longan (Poometia pinnata); commonly known as red burial; Kasai (Myan, New, Ma); Truong (Vietnam, Cambodia); Malugai (Philippines); Singhuang (Indonesia); Taun (Ba, New); Matoa (Indian) . The saplings are often large trees. It is distributed in tropical areas such as India, Sri Lanka, Indochina, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea.

Wood is a loose hole material. The difference between the heart and the sapwood is not obvious to a slight difference, the heartwood is pinkish brown to purple reddish brown; the sapwood is grayish pinkish brown. The growth wheel is slightly obvious, the width is slightly uniform (4-8mm), and the rounds are interspersed with dark night strips. Tube holes can be seen under the naked eye, single and a few short diameter rows of complex tube holes (2 - 4), thin tube pore groups; few to very few; slightly larger; slightly uniform size, fairly even distribution; scattered; Unseen, evergreen brown gum. The tube hole groove is obvious on the longitudinal section. The amount of axial thin-walled tissue is small, visible only under the magnifying glass, and the loop tube is bundle-like, wing-like, wheel-bound and star-shaped. Wood ray is non-stacked and visible under a magnifying glass, slightly dense to dense; very fine to slightly fine. Wave marks and intercellular channels are absent.

Wood has luster; no special smell and taste; straight texture, slightly interlaced texture; uniform in structure; medium hardness and weight (air dry density 0.60-0.74g/cm3). Suitable for construction (beams, columns, sandalwood, rafters, floors, ceilings, siding, etc.), shipbuilding, vehicles, general furniture, agricultural tools, crates, lathes, tool handles, veneers and plywood, pulp, etc.

104 Mddhuca latifolia; Kanzaw (Myan); Mahua (Indian). Evergreen tree of saPotaceae. Produced in Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Wood is a loose hole material. The difference between the heart and the sapwood is not obvious; the heartwood is dark reddish brown to purple brown; the sapwood is yellowish brown and 2-3 cm wide. The growth wheel is not obvious to a slight extent, the width is not uniform (2-6mm), and the wheel is interspersed with dark night strips. The tube hole is slightly visible under the naked eye, and the magnifying glass is clear; the number is less to slightly less; the medium to slightly larger; the size is slightly uniform, the distribution is quite uniform; the main is the diameter of the complex tube hole (2-6) and the tube hole chain, a few Separate, thin tube pores; rich in invasive bodies; diameter and oblique columns. The tube hole groove on the longitudinal section is thin and obvious. The amount of axial thin-walled tissue is large, slightly visible under the naked eye, clear under the magnifying glass; the tube is strip-shaped and the tube is tubular. Wood ray is visible only under the magnifying glass, slightly dense to dense; very fine to slightly fine; non-stacked; very fine ray markings can be seen on the radial section. Wave marks and intercellular channels such as.

The wood is lustrous; there is no special smell and taste; the texture is straight or oblique, the surface of the surface is slightly staggered; the material is hard (the air dry density is 0.93g/cm3). Wood is strong and resistant to corrosion. Suitable for construction (pillars, beams, joists, floors, doors and windows), shipbuilding, bridges, docks, sleepers, poles, vehicles, agricultural machinery, sports equipment, industrial and agricultural handles, agricultural tools, furniture, etc.

105 Dubbanga grandiffora; Myaukngo (Myan); Phay (Vietnam); Dem chhoeufer (Cambodia); Iampati (Indian); Loktob (Philippines); Banderbola (Bal). Evergreen large tree of the Sanneratiaceae. Produced in Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and other places. There is also a distribution in the southern part of China.

Wood is a loose hole material. The difference between heart and sapwood is not obvious to slightly obvious; heartwood is slightly grayish brown to purple brown; sapwood is grayish brown to light yellowish brown and reddish, often mixed with golden yellow or blue speckle, width 4-5cm. The growth wheel is not obvious to slightly obvious. Uneven width (3-10mm). The tube holes are visible to the naked eye to the obvious; the number is very small at least; medium to slightly larger; the size is quite uniform, the distribution is slightly uniform; the individual and short diameter columns (2 - 3); scattered, the invading body is not seen , occasionally white deposits. The tube slot is very obvious on the longitudinal section. The amount of axial thin-walled tissue is small; visible under a magnifying glass, the tubular shape. Wood ray is non-stacked; medium to slightly dense; very fine to slightly fine; visible only under a magnifying glass; very fine ray markings on the radial section, not obvious. Wave marks and intercellular channels are absent.

The luster of the wood is weak; the heartwood has a slightly sour smell, no special taste; the texture is straight; the structure is slightly thicker and more uniform; the material is light and soft (air dry density 0.44-0.51g/cm3). It is suitable for packing boxes, pulp, and Canoes, low-grade plywood and furniture, insulation, light house construction, etc. The wood contains a lot of yellow pigment, the composition is unknown, it is worth further analysis.

106 Butterfly tree (Heritiera fomes); also known as silver leaf tree; Sundri (Myan, Thailand); Pinle-kanazo (Myan); Cui (Vietnam); Dungun (Indonesia), Sterculiaceae (Trrculiaceae) evergreen trees. Produced in Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Wood is a loose hole material. The difference between the heart and the sapwood is obvious; the heartwood is reddish brown to dark reddish brown; the sapwood is light yellowish brown. The growth wheel is slightly obvious, the width is not uniform, and the rounds are interspersed with dark night strips. The tube hole is visible under the naked eye; the number is small to slightly less; the size is medium; the size is quite uniform, the distribution is slightly uniform; the individual and the diameter of the complex tube hole (2-5, most 2-3); scattered or oblique column; The fill was not visible, and some of the holes contained brown gum and white deposits. The tube hole groove layer on the longitudinal section is thin and slightly obvious. The amount of axial thin-walled tissue is large, and it can be seen on the wet cut surface under the magnifying glass, and it is a very dense short string and a tubular shape. The wood ray is partially superimposed and visible under a magnifying glass; it is thin to medium; very fine to slightly fine; the ray pattern on the radial section is not obvious. The wave marks are clear under the magnifying glass; the cells are visible under the magnifying glass and are arranged in a thin string.

The wood is lustrous; there is no special smell and taste; the texture is staggered; the structure is fine and uniform; the material is hard (air dry density 0.75-0.85g/cm3). Due to its beautiful color, it is suitable for fine furniture, instrument box, micro-thin wood, engraving, turning and other art decoration materials; it can also be used for house construction, interior decoration, doors, windows, floors, ship decks, sleepers, vehicles, plywood , sports equipment, etc.

107 Sterculia foetida; Kalumpang (Philippines); KeLumpany (horse, sand); Kaloemba, Galoempany, Kaloempany, Kepuh (Indonesia). The eucalyptus evergreen trees are distributed in factories from eastern Africa to India and Malaysia to northeastern Australia.

Wood is a loose hole material. The difference between heart and sapwood is not obvious to slightly obvious; heartwood is yellowish brown and reddish; sapwood is yellowish brown. The growth wheel is not obvious to a slight extent, the width is slightly uniform, and the late material is slightly darker. The tube holes are clear under the naked eye; the number is at least at least; slightly larger to very large; separate and a few diameters of the complex tube holes (2-5, most 2-3); scattered; part of the heartwood tube with an invading body. Axial thin-walled tissue is abundant; visible under a magnifying glass; irregular red string and ring-shaped tube. The wood ray is non-stacked; the width and the width are narrow: two kinds of narrow wood rays are rare, and are clearly defined under the magnifying glass; 7 wide wooden rays are clearly visible in the lower part of the naked eye, and the string-cut surface is densely distributed, and has a spindle shape and a length of up to 10 mm. Wave marks and intercellular channels were not seen.

The wood is lustrous; the raw material has a slightly spicy odor; there is no special taste; the texture is straight or oblique, the structure is thick and slightly uniform; the material is light to medium (air dry density 0.49-0.60g/cm3). It is suitable for low-grade furniture, agricultural tools, Plywood, veneer, crates, ceilings, rural civil buildings, etc.

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