The emergence of the headset has brought a lot of help to people's lives. The headset is an integrated body of headphones and microphone, which is different from ordinary headphones. Ordinary earphones are often stereo, while headsets are mostly mono. At the same time, headsets have microphones that are not available in ordinary headphones. So, how much is the price of winning a headset? Let me introduce you here!
    The headset is divided into a wireless headset and a wired headset. These two headsets have their own characteristics.
    A headset is an integration of a headphone and a microphone. In fact, the headset is integrated with the microphone.
    The wireless headset uses wireless receiving technology and consists of a transmitting end and a receiving device. A wireless headset is a product of a digital Walkman product. The wireless headset is divided into three parts: the first part is the sound source, the second part is the receiver, and the third part is the earphone part. The function of this part is mainly used to convert the signal transmitted by the mobile phone or receiver into sound and then transmit. In the ear of the person.
    The headset also has the meaning of a generation gap. When I put on my headset, my head is full of my things, I can't hear what you said. So when you don't understand what I am talking about, you can say: "I have a headset between you and me." A headset is a folk saying. It means that you and I are separated by a wall.
    How much is the price of winning a headset? Approximate price is between 100-500 yuan, there are also more than 500 yuan, you can go online to check.
    The above is the introduction of the contents of the winning headset and the winning headset, I hope to help everyone.
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