An important development trend in the packaging application process is to "reform lighter." Compared with traditional containers such as metal and glass, plastic containers have characteristics such as lighter weight, higher cost performance, easier molding, and less breakage. In foreign countries, traditional packaging materials such as glass and metal are being more lightweight. Packaging replacement, high barrier plastic packaging is becoming a new application boom.
Replacement glass packaging high barrier packaging application case:
High-barrier plastic packaging can realize the lightweight and thin-walled packaging containers, providing customers with high-tech content, environmental protection, safety, and new-type packaging products, and at the same time solve the problem of serious homogenization of brand manufacturers' product packaging. As one of the approaches for product innovation and value-adding of hard plastic packaging and processing companies, this innovative technology is increasingly attracting the attention of companies.
Foreign food packaging has evolved from the form of bags into various types of cups, plates, plates, etc. Most of these are high-barrier sheets that are thermoformed into high-barrier plastic packaging materials that have evolved with the food industry. It plays a role in food preservation , preservation, flavor protection and shelf life extension.
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