Recently in the UK, Dove Dove introduced several different types of shower gel packaging with the same capacity. Unlike the packaging that looks normal in the past, this design is really weird. Let's call it "" for the time being!
In response to this short and tight design, Dove’s official statement in the UK is: “ Each bottle corresponds to a woman's different body and curves, expressing the aesthetic of a diverse body. Every woman can have her own limited edition! â€
This short and tight design marketing campaign is also part of Dove's "Real Beauty Campaign". Dove wants to help women build their confidence and realize their beauty!
Most of the time, Dovefen still had a good grasp of scale when sounding for women's beauty, but this time the design was spoofed by netizens. Netizens have found out "the best bottle that can represent themselves", some are wine bottles and some are milk cans. Someone uses their own methods to interpret Dove's bottles. Others said: "Trouble to come to me to measure down, so that I can confirm which kind of Dove."
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