1. Check for dangerous crevices: There should be no gaps, openings, or holes in the reachable area of ​​the child that allow the fingers to fall into the space more than 5mm but less than 12mm, unless their depth is less than 10mm. There should also be no gaps, openings or holes wider than 25 mm and smaller than 45 mm in the accessible area of ​​the child, unless the depth is less than 10 mm.
2. The braking device is very important: the child stroller vehicle should be equipped with a braking device. The user (caregiver) standing on the side of the handlebar should be able to operate the device. If the handlebars can be switched, the front and rear ends of the vehicle All brakes should be installed. If the brake device is mounted on only one end, the handlebars cannot be braked when the handlebar changes direction and runs on a sloped slope, and accidental taxiing or overturn accidents are likely to occur.
3, the specification can be used to standardize Chinese characters: in the domestic sales of children's cart, in the product logo and instructions should use standard Chinese characters, if the body is full of English logo, and most of the signs are "warning" remind consumers Safe use of content, for consumers who do not understand English can not know the contents of the logo, of course, there are security risks.
(Buy baby stroller, baby carriage wholesale, sales, find China Baby Vehicle Industry Network /, Tel 0551-82363313)