Pure Hothhouse Foods recently launched their new tomato brand "Cloud 9", which has a better tomato flavor. It is worth mentioning that the brand's tomato products are all made from the cardboard new packaging that is exclusively produced by SOLIDUS SOLUTIONS, which is rich in tomato plant fiber.
This initiative of Pure Hothhouse Foods has also become Canada's first company to use vegetable fiber to package tomatoes and is committed to developing a recyclable economy. As early as the 2016 PMA Fruits and Vegetables Exhibition, Pure Hothouse Foods launched the "Cloud 9" tomato plant packaging, which made the company enter the final list of the 2016 PMA's most influential prizes. At about the same time, SOLIDUS SOLUTIONS won the “2016 European Packaging Sustainable Development Award†for its uniquely designed tomato plant fiber cardboard packaging.
The new packaging designed by SOLUTIONS also attracted Idyl, a fruit and vegetable company in southern France. In addition to producing and selling its own tomato fruits, Mediterranean fruits, vegetables and fresh cut herbs, Idyl also sells Prosvas salads and a range of organic fruits and vegetables under the “Tribu Ecolo†brand.
Idyl has been seeking new ways to protect the ecology, and the recyclability of the new packaging developed by SOLIDUS SOLUTIONS has attracted their attention. Currently Idyl's organic tomatoes are all packaged with tomato fiber. This package confirms that we can engage in activities such as production, packaging, and consumption while reducing the waste of natural resources. Idyl's "Tribu Ecolo" brand focuses on the close relationship between agriculture and nature, linking farmers and their associated suppliers and consumers together to achieve economic and ecological unity.
SOLIDUS SOLUTIONS has initially produced 1.5kg, 3kg, 5kg cardboard trays rich in tomato plant fibers, as well as custom-made 250g to 500g tomato boxes. With the extensive use of new packaging by the "Tribu Ecolo" and "Cloud 9" brands, Idyl, Pure Hothouse Foods and SOLIDUS SOLUTIONS decided to further explore the conversion of the rest of the fruit to valuable recyclable materials.
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