100% recycled bioplastic disposable cups successfully developed

Disposable containers have encountered many major problems while providing us with convenience. The most serious ones are waste management and environmental conflicts. Most of us like to drink coffee, but most disposable plastic cups cannot be recycled. The use of paper cups containing hot liquids can produce harmful substances. What methods can be used to produce disposable cups that can be recycled 100% and can hold high-temperature objects? Foreign company Biome Bioplastics, using eucalyptus as a raw material, produced a bioplastic to cover traditional disposable paper cups.

It is reported that this new cup consists of three parts: the surface of the cup is covered with bio-plastic, the inside is a wooden paper cup structure, and the lid of the cup is also made of different forms of bio-plastic.

According to reports, the cups made of eucalyptus are completely recyclable and are used to make wood or waste paper. After testing, the cup was placed on the soil and it could be completely decomposed after three months. This means that even if the paper cup is filled, it will not cause white pollution. According to the British Sky News report, major UK coffee shop chains are actively testing the use of such cups to see how they perform. If the performance is outstanding, it is hoped that this eco-friendly disposable cup will become new to the industry. standard.

Biome 's mission is to eliminate people's reliance on oil-based polymers. Oil-based polymers, which are a toxic ingredient in the manufacture of plastics, cause white pollution, and bio-plastics made from vegetable starch can solve this pollution problem. It is worth mentioning that

Biome also worked with scientists at the University of York in Canada, hoping to create straw bioplastics.

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